CMSNBD – we are a sister concern of GiantIT which is a multinational software company based in Australia, Bangladesh, and the Philippines. We started our operation in 2013 with few offices across Australia, We have been operating office in Bangladesh since 2017. GiantITs’ marketing and back-office operation been conducted from its Philippine office. for more information please visit us or call us on +61-2- 9054 3655
Our developers, designers, or QA engineers are creators/ problem solvers as we hire only the best. Our regular training and review sessions enhance their expertise.
Creative work requires proper process and work culture. Our process maintains a culture that enhances the expertise of talented workers which definitely helps our fun-loving developers to achieve their goals.
নতুন সার্ভারে ডাটা মাইগ্রেশনের কাজ চলছে, নতুন অর্ডার নেয়া আপাতত বন্ধ আছে। আমদের সাথেই থাকুন। ধন্যবাদ।